This 80s classic solidified Eddie Murphy as a superstar. Beverly Hills Cop was the top-grossing film of 1984 and earned an Oscar nomination for its screenplay. What became one of AFI's Top 100 comedies almost turned into a ve...
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#129 - "Beverly Hills Cop" (1984) with Chris McMichen
In 1989, Cameron Crowe’s Say Anything became an iconic 80s romance that captured the awkwardness and sweetness of young love. The story follows Lloyd Dobler, a charming high school grad unsure of his future but knows he wants...
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#128 - "Say Anything..." (1989) with Bethany Wells
In this episode of the 80s Flick Flashback Podcast , we dive into the quirky charm of Pee-wee’s Big Adventure (1985), a film that not only captured the essence of the 1980s but also became a pop culture touchstone. Blending c...
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#127 - "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" (1985) with Ben Carpenter & Laramy Wells
In the early ’70s, films like The Omega Man , Soylent Green , and THX-1138 painted a bleak future of chaos and government control. By 1981, the tone had shifted, with films like Raiders of the Lost Ark and Clash of the Titans...
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#126 - "Escape From New York" (1981) with Nicholas Pepin
In the mid-1980s, few films targeted young adults, and studios were still figuring out how to connect with the emerging Generation X. Enter St. Elmo's Fire —a quintessential 80s flick that featured a star-studded cast of risi...